After being defeated on Students Skill Competition at Kediri couple weeks ago, we are now fighting back! We dont't want to get blue for too long after the failure. So, we take our spirit back, put all the upset and sadness away, and we go back on our own track. Manifesting our goals and dreams on animation.
The Competition of Animation and Game Tech 2009 at Jogjakarta had moved our spirit of competition back. So, we were planning to participate on that competition. We made one new film, and sent some of the old ones. We believed that our spirit can deliver us to attain the victory back on our lap, for sure.
Finally, we got there. We were going on the rough path, since we had to go there by our own money and we almost lack of energy for making the film in the last minutes of departure. When nature seems unfriendly to us, we almost lose our faith. But we just kept walking forward and raech our destination no matter what.

The competition hold on March 24th 2009. We were waiting for the result to be announced in the afternoon. And we were surprised by the result which said that we were on the first place to take the prize!Our film "Tidak hanya Membuang Sampah" became the winner in this competition. There is nothing waste we've done on time and energy for our goal is to be the best of all.
We are republikans, ustoppable by anything!!!Viva Republik Animasi!!!
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